
This describes Terrapin's dimensions, overall size, maximum speed, cruising speed, cruising range, cruising duration, type of motor, electric motor, batteries, charging method, mains charging, photo-electric charging, photo-electric cells, charge time
The major statistics of this craft are:
Designed and built by Norfolk Broads based amateur boatbuilder David Williams
Dimensions: 24 feet x 5 feet
Maximum speed: 5.5 Knots (6 mph) drawing ~40A
Cruising speed: 3.0 Knots (3.5 mph) drawing ~10A
Electric motor: 24 volt LEMCO
Cruising duration: 24 hours (using 80% of charge)
Batteries: 6 x 12 volts, sealed gel, deep-cycle, 95AH each
Charging: Mains and on-board photo-electric cells
Charge time: 6 hours for a mains charge
Photo-cells: The cells only provide a top-up charge
Terrapin 25 foot electric launch
Terrapin was launched in Spring 1999.
The cockpit area is spacious
Reversing Front Seats
The front seats can be turned round for a picnic with passengers
David built this boat as a present for his wife and they have both been delighted with its performance and practicality. They believe it is ideal as a quiet, reliable launch for inland waterways use.
Take a look at this page if you want to get some idea of the range of boat types that are suitable for amateur building with electric power.

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Created: December 2000.